Health Office


Important Medication Information

Any medication taken by students during the school day must be kept in the health office and administered only by authorized office personnel. Medication must be brought to the office with a signed Physician’s Recommendation for Medication form (available in the office), which states the name of the medication, amount to be given, and the time it is to be administered.  The medication remains in the office and the child must come to the office at the designated time(s).  This includes all prescriptions, inhalers, aspirin, cough syrup and over the counter medications, both oral and topical, etc.  Please do not send any medications to school with your child to take on his/her own.  These must all be kept in the office for the safety of all of our students.

COVID Guidelines
Case Reporting:
Staff and families are no longer reporting or using AUSD's reporting form. However, families and staff are encouraged to notify the school site. Please contact Sarah Angulo at [email protected] or Marily Cabrera at [email protected]
Case Guidelines:
Students and staff who have symptoms of illness must follow best practice guidelines for other potentially infectious diseases.
Exposure Management:
Camino Grove will continue to supply masks in the front office.
Easy access to hand hygiene will continue for all staff and students.
Students and families will only be notified when exposure meets the outbreak criteria. 
  • Notification guidelines will be similar to our prior practice of notifying families of potential exposure to infectious diseases like lice, hand, foot, and mouth, and influenza
For more information:
Arcadia Unified School District Website: